A cinematic transition opens the site. Yeah, yeah, it's a little "skip intro" but it set the tone that Jim wanted.
Dimensional navigation mirrors Jim's photographic philosophy of looking at things differently. The goal here was to make the utility of the site have the same drama and interest as the photographs. Jim didn't see this as distracting from the work, but rather, adding to it.
A direct homage to Saul Bass transitions.
Large sideways type sets the grid for the photo album navigation.
Scrolling through photos using just cursor movement... this technicque was meant to be like looking at film. Each image illuminates when it is the active one, as if it were on a lightbox. The entire site tries to take cues from Jim's highly analog process.
The photographs live full-screen. Here's Dolly.
And Saul takes us back out again.
Jim Herrington

Jim Herrington

Website for photographer Jim Herrington. Jim is a rockabilly dude with connections to all the old greats. He's photographed everyone from Johnny Read More
